A Strategic Partner in Your Podiatry Practice

A Strategic Partner in Your Podiatry Practice

Medical billing services are a complicated and often confusing aspect of running a medical practice. The podiatry medical billing cycle encompasses a varied group of billing-related activities. Most medical costs are covered by insurance networks, which reserve the right to deny claims if they see fit. Your practice stays revenue-positive by contracting with the right insurance providers for the services you provide. You grow your practice by expanding that network, and reducing the pain points in your billing procedures.

State-of-the-Art Software for EHR/PM

In order to do any of that, you need to have an effective podiatry billing services system, designed to meet the specific needs of your individual practice. This system keeps track of patient info and medical records, while also allowing you to manage your practice effectively. Medical practice management and billing services go hand in hand. At Healthcare Revenue Group, we help you optimize your podiatry billing software from eClinicalWorks, NextGen, and ModMed Podiatry (formerly TRAKnet).

We tailor these systems to your practice, transparently designing them for ease of use. Where they leave off, we design proprietary systems of our own. We also provide training sessions so your team can use the software we set up for you effectively.

Medical practice management software saves an average of two hours per day spent on administrative tasks. It helps improve the way you interface with your patients, reducing their wait times and saving them stress. It drastically reduces the number of claim denials, 90% of which are preventable. Claims are scrubbed in real time with customized rules for your practice.

The software you use for billing and practice management keeps records of patient visits, missed appointments, the amount of time a bill spends in accounts receivable, claim denials, and much more. We use these data to analyze your practice management strategy, and find places where it can improve. This might be anything from a minor redesign in your software to a partnership with a new insurance company.

Expertise for Specialists

At Healthcare Revenue Group, our founders have vast experience not only in general medical billing but specifically in podiatry and audiology. These specialties require a different approach than other specialized practices. We know the workflows that work best. Our podiatry credentialing and contracting services make sure you partner with insurers that will be most valuable to the growth of your practice. We provide a pricing model specific to the practice of podiatry, that excludes products and services that are not billable to insurance.

We have regular performance meetings with your team to discuss current procedures and find ways to improve them. Are there tasks that your team feels they spend too much time doing? We can help you design a solution that will help free up more of your staff’s time, allowing you to grow your practice.

We are familiar with services and products unique to podiatry. We routinely handle billing situations requiring the use of same and similar Podiatry DME code groups and billing rules. We employ ABNs and GA modifiers for DME billing. We understand the special billing needs of diabetic patients, and podiatry code modifiers. We use the specialized knowledge from our backgrounds in podiatry every day to maximize revenue and streamline workflows for podiatry practices.

Billing Unique to You, Handled By Us

Patients do not like to feel as though their medical care provider’s responsibilities end after a visit. If they have questions about their bill, or need to set up a payment plan, we help them do that easily. We establish a phone line in your practice’s area code, unique to you, through which your patients can reach our U.S.-based call center.

We manage accounts receivable, working to collect outstanding bills in a timely manner. We keep a database of your patients’ billing info and help them establish payment plans, keeping a credit card on file. And we work with you to establish pre-clearance for your patients, minimizing claim denials to as little as 2%.

Healthcare Revenue Group is a valuable partner in the growth of your practice. Contact us today to find out how we can help you!

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